Thursday 30 September 2021

How To Overcome Phobia Of Loss In Trading

The ability to overcome fear is essential to your trading success. You're significantly more likely to make bad decisions if you're worried about losing money - but many traders are afraid of losing money. What matters is how they manage it. It can be difficult to know how to overcome this anxiety in order to begin trading in the first place when you are just starting out. This is where this blog can help: we'll discuss how to overcome your trading phobia and get into the pool of traders.

What is trading phobia of loss, and how does it affect you?

Loss phobia is a psychological disorder. It's undoubtedly a feeling you're familiar with if you're just getting started in trading - or even if you haven't but want to. You're afraid you'll lose the money you've worked so hard to earn. You're afraid of losing your account. You're afraid to spend on something without knowing whether or not it will be profitable.

These are all entirely natural anxieties; if you weren't terrified, you weren't taking it seriously enough! Here are some trading strategies to help you overcome your fear of losing money.

  1. Make a list of the things that terrifies you

Making a list of all your phobias can help you figure out which ones you should pay attention to, which ones you shouldn't, and how to deal with them. For example, it's normal to be concerned about losing your hard-earned money, but it's probably not sensible to be concerned about losing your life savings which can only happen if you put all of your savings into a trading account, which we strongly discourage

  1. Know Yourself

Do you know what you're capable of when it comes to trading? Each trader must choose his or her own risk tolerance. The ability to push yourself without going over the top is essential to succeed. Do you know what targets you can achieve? To avoid falling into the trap of wishful thinking, make only quantifiable and feasible plans.

  1. Look on your account

If you keep an analytical eye on your account balance when you first start trading, you'll be able to better minimize your emotional reactions and feel more in control of your money. Make use of this check in to minimize losses and maximize profits, but make sure you do so carefully.

Instead of checking in at the end of the day to reassess before returning the next day, check in at the end of the day to reassess.

  1. Think big, consider long term

Trading is a long-term game, but we have a short memory when it comes to losses. You can keep your mind clear and not be disturbed by drawdowns if you can consider the long term. Don't give up just because you've had a few setbacks or a losing streak. Recognize losing trades as a learning opportunity and start thinking in terms of the long run. Consider trading as a long-term investment that won't necessarily pay off right away, and you'll find it easier to relax. You'll be considerably more patient and even-tempered about your trades and learning curve if you don't expect to see profits right away.

Short-term trading can put even the well experienced and smart investor to the test. Prices can drop unexpectedly, putting even the most experienced trader's confidence in threat. But remember that these setbacks are just temporary, and you'll bounce back stronger - ready to try again, perhaps not the next day, but the next week. You've decided to stay in this for the long haul!

  1. Be visionaire about your trades

Once you've developed a trading strategy and recognized the price movement of the currency market, apply visualization techniques to divert your attention away from the potential of losing money. Visualisation helps by reducing anxiety and negative thoughts while also allowing you to visualize victory.

This is in contrast to the common thinking, which suggests that the focus should be on loss management. Many traders, on the other hand, have found that practicing "visualization" might help them deal with their anxiety of losing money. Give it a shot and see if it helps you feel less anxious.

How To Do Money Management In Trading

Money management is necessary for a successful forex trading career, especially if you're dealing with a small amount of money. It's important to handle your money in a way that benefits your account's long-term health, as well as your long-term finances and potential profits. When you're initially starting out in forex trading, here are some pointers on how to practice proper money management.

Set a stop loss

A stop loss is an important part of any forex money management strategy. You simply cannot succeed in the long-term if you do not set a risk limit. A stop loss is necessary for protecting your cash since it prevents unexpected losses.

There comes a time in any strategy when you realize the trade isn't going to work out. Sure, you could get lucky. Successful forex trading, on the other hand, does not depend on luck. It's all about identifying areas of the market where you have a statistical advantage and trying to profit from it.

Even if a trade reaches the strategy's recommended stop loss mark, the gambler in you will want to hold on and see if you can get it out. That's not a good idea! What does it mean for your strategy if it does reverse course and turn into a profitable trade? Why bother with a strategy if you're going to rely on your "gambling" brain? For long-term success, remain with your "logical" brain and stick to the plan - make sure you set a stop loss.

Don’t move your Stop-loss

Another rule to follow is to never move your stop loss. It's easy to make wrong decisions in the heat of battle. To be able to resist this temptation, you must also have a strict stop-loss policy. When you first open your position, set them and don't move them. Always keep the big picture in mind: losing one trade shouldn't be a big deal. When that happens, you're no longer trading but are instead gambling.

Calculate your risk per trade

The risk you take on each trade is usually expressed as a percentage of your total capital. Your strategy's stop loss and take profit levels should be predetermined, or at the very least approximate. You may determine the number of pips you can expect to win or the number of pips you can expect to lose if the trade goes against you using these figures.

It's only a matter of calculating the pip cost of the trade with that information. Assume your account has a balance of $1,000. The sum of 2% of $1,000 is $20. This is the maximum amount of capital you can lose per trade if your risk per deal is 2% of your account.

Avoid Overtrading

Taking up too much risk by trading too much is a common phenomenon. Especially if you're making the transition from part-time to full-time trading, trading in a different timeframe than usual, or trying out a new strategy. When the dynamics change, it's easy to become confused. Set a strict limit on how much of your capital is at risk to avoid this. You can avoid this by just risking 2% of your account on each trade, or by grouping or linked trades.

When opening a trade, reward-to-risk ratios should also be taken into account. Any trading method you apply should assist in the identification of a probable take-profit and stop-loss point. The trade is then worthwhile. However, if the take-profit gives you 15 pips and the stop-loss gives you 10 pips, the difference is merely 1.5. It's better to avoid trades with a reward-to-risk ratio of less than 3:1. Consider selecting a smaller position size to control risk if you opt to open positions with a reward-to-risk ratio of 2:1.

Everything you need to know about Proprietary Trading Fund

A prop trading fund does not trade on behalf of customers, but rather for itself. The trading firm has no customers and is a one-of-a-kind organization in the active trading market because it works for its long-term profit.

Proprietary or prop trading firms are also known by some other names like prop shops or prop firms, and are quite popular among traders searching for lucrative professions as well as investors looking for high-return possibilities. Traders can open a funded trading account with the proprietary firm, which means they don't have to risk their own money when trading.

A forex trader must have a proven track record of profitable trades in order to work with a proprietary trading firm. The firm evaluates all traders and will only trade on its behalf with the best funding traders.

This is one of the reasons why numerous prop trading firms are setting up operations and using the experience of successful traders who are open to trading from the comfort of their own homes.

Proprietary Trading Regulation

Proprietary funds that own a Forex trading account with a regulated broker are referred to as proprietary trading firms. Private funds that own a Forex Trading account with a regulated broker are referred to as proprietary funds. However, because proprietary funds are not a financial institution and do not provide financial services, there is no regulation requirement. They trade using the capital of their own fund and the assistance of their knowledgeable portfolio partners.

Is a License Required to Trade Proprietary Trading Funds?

To become a portfolio partner, you don't need to have a license. Proprietary Trading doesn't manage any third party funds. Since they are a private fund they have this freedom to hire any legal service provider as per their needs.

How is a Proprietary Trading Firm different from others?

A proprietary trading company is an organization that hires traders to trade capital on its behalf. Traders may receive in-house training or, if they have prior experience and talent, they will be offered a funded trading account to immediately begin trading on the market.

The job of funded traders is simple: when trading with their given capital, they must generate lucrative returns for the company.

When you work for a proprietary trading fund, you won't be paid a flat salary; instead, you'll be paid a percentage of the profits you make. Traders can earn from around 35 percent to 75 percent of their profits, as well as a variety of other incentives, depending on the proprietary firm with which they trade.

If you're trading for a prop trading fund, you'll be expected to have a winning mentality and consistently make money in the market.

What are the Benefits for Prop Traders?

Many forex traders desire to work for a proprietary trading fund since it provides them with the best opportunity to advance their trading career.

Today's market has a number of remote proprietary trading firms that allow traders to trade online from anywhere and at any time. This flexibility helps traders to develop their talents while maintaining complete control over their trading plan.

Convenient Work 

Work whenever you want

One of the most significant advantages of working with an online remote proprietary firm is the ability to work when you want. You can trade whenever and from wherever you want. In addition to that you can set your own trading style.

Trade at your convenience

You can choose when, where, and how often you want to trade when you work with an online remote proprietary trading firm. The firm allows the funded trader complete freedom to do things their way, including letting them to trade from their own workspace through an online work platform.

Your Trade your strategy

In forex trading, there are hundreds of thousands of different trading methods to choose from, and when you trade with an online remote proprietary firm, you will have complete control over your trading style. The firm will not attempt to force restrictions on the trader's trading style, and they will not intervene if your trading style produces profitable and consistent results.

What to Look for When Choosing a  Proprietary Fund

When it comes to prop trading funds, there is no shortage on the market, and new ones are popping up all the time. With so many possibilities, identifying the best Forex proprietary firms might be difficult for forex traders. If you're having trouble choosing, here are some features to look for when choosing the best Forex proprietary fund to work with.

Remote platform

Check if the proprietary firm provides a remote platform, allowing you to work at your ease, at any time and from any location. Traders that use remote platforms have complete control over when and how they trade.

Reliable payouts

In forex trading, convenience is key, but evaluating whether the proprietary firm has a track record of payouts is even more important. If they are inconsistent in terms of payouts, there are many other proprietary firms on the market who do offer consistent income.

Trading Condition

Working with a proprietary firm that creates fair trading conditions is required to become a successful funded trader who trades with a significant Forex account. If the proprietary firm's demands are unreasonable, it's pointless to try to develop a trading career with them.

Before you sign up for any program, read the trading terms and make sure the fund you're asking for doesn't have any restrictions on the trading characteristics you utilize in your technique.

You may check out how many pips you can risk each trade or per trading day, if overnight trading is available, and if there are any trading hours that are restricted. Are there any trading sessions? What is the maximum leverage that the fund allows? Before you invest your time and talent, do your homework thoroughly.


It's difficult to make a living as a professional trader in the forex market, but remote online prop trading firms are giving traders the opportunity to trade from the comfort of their own homes and earn a decent and consistent income.